[Discussion] Add BASE as a new chain on Metronome


Add BASE as a new chain on Metronome


BASE has quickly risen to prominence as a major competitive force in the Ethereum Layer 2 ecosystem. It is in Metronome’s best interests to enable support for BASE users to utilize Metronome’s full functionality. Enabling BASE on Metronome has the potential to increase the protocol’s user base and TVL.


Upon the passing of this proposal, Metronome can begin working on integrating Base as a new chain on the protocol. msUSD and msETH will be added as mintable synthetics, and Smart Farming will be enabled utilizing Vesper Finance Base pools as they become available.


Deploy Metronome Synth on Base with support for USDC, ETH, and all Vesper Finance Base pools, utilizing the same variables as Mainnet deployment

Add msUSD as a mintable asset on Base

Add msETH as a mintable asset on Base

Enable Metronome Smart Farming for all Vesper Finance Base pools

Enable msUSD, msETH OFT support (bridge through LayerZero and via Stargate)

Prioritize incentives and POL on Aerodrome

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